The recipe Chicken Piri Piri with Spicy Rice can be made in roughly 45 minutes. For $2.11 per serving, you get a main course that serves 4. One serving contains 607 calories, 30g of protein, and 23g of fat. This recipe from Foodista requires tbsp red wine vinegar, chicken weighing 1.5kg 3lb, garlic cloves, and the piri piri marinade. 1 person were impressed by this recipe. All things considered, we decided this recipe deserves a spoonacular score of 60%. This score is good. South African Piri-Piri Chicken, South African Piri-Piri Chicken, and Sheet Pan Piri Piri Chicken are very similar to this recipe.
Step 1
Firstly, this chicken needs to be spatchcocked. This allows a quicker cooking time and works really well if you want to barbeque the meat.
Step 2
With the chickens back bone facing upwards, take a sturdy pair of poultry or game scissors and cut up each side of the back bone to remove it. Then turn the chicken over, lean on the breastbone with the heal of your hand and press hard enough to break it so that the chicken is flattened.
Step 3
Make a couple of slashes in the thickest part of each of the legs of the chicken. This will allow the piri piri marinade to penetrate the flesh and also aid even cooking.
Step 4
Place the chicken skin side up in your roasting tray (if you are roasting in the oven) or on a dish ready to go to the barbeque.
Step 5
Place the piri piri marinade ingredients into the food processor and blend until you get a smooth pure.
Step 6
Smear the piri piri mix evenly over the chicken and place in the fridge to marinate. Leave for a hour an hour, but longer if you can, overnight is great.
Step 7
To cook in the oven: Pre-heat to 200C/400F/Gas 6 .
Step 8
Place the chicken in a roasting tray and cook for about 30 to 45 minutes. Check after 25 to see if the juices are running clear. If you want a more crispy finish, you can put the chicken under a hot grill for a few minutes.
Step 9
To cook on the barbeque: Once the flames have died down on your barbeque fire, place the chicken skin side down on the centre area and cook for about 15 minutes until nice and crispy. Then flip the bird over for about another 10 to 15 minutes until cooked through. The cooking times will vary depending on your barbeque, so the best way is to check by piercing the thickest part of the bird around the area where the leg joins the body with a knife, press and if the juice that comes out runs clear then the chicken is ready. If the juices are pink or red, then you need to cook for longer.
Step 10
To make the rice, add the spices to the water you will cook the rice in and stir. Cook as normal. When ready, fork through the parsley, butter and some salt to taste.
Step 11
To serve, cut the bird with your poultry scissors into 4 pieces.
Step 12
Cut in half lengthways, then divide the 2 halves by cutting each one between the leg and wing.
Step 13
Serve with the lemon wedges and a little more fresh parsley leaves sprinkled over the top.
Step 14
Tips and Variations
Step 15
There is no need to spatchcock your chicken if it is not going on the barbeque, but it is easier, as it holds the marinade better and cooks quicker.
Step 16
The marinade works well with chicken pieces too (thighs, legs, wings, breasts)
Step 17
The chicken will blacken a little on the outside, this is how it is supposed to look.
Step 18
If you dont have time to let the meat marinade for an hour, just use whatever time you have.
Step 19
Serve with a simple green salad and some crisp, fresh Vinho Verde.
Step 20
I like to make extra marinade to keep in the fridge for the next time it will keep easily for a good few weeks.
Dish Types: lunch, main course, main dish, dinner