Cheesy Ham and Shrimp Macaroni Au Gratin

Cheesy Ham and Shrimp Macaroni Au Gratin

Basic Information

  • Servings: 4
  • Ready in: 45 minutes
  • Preparation time: -
  • Cooking time: -
  • Rating: 80.11
  • Health score: 23.00
  • Weight Watcher points: 22.00


The recipe Cheesy Ham and Shrimp Macaroni Au Gratin can be made in about 45 minutes. This recipe serves 4. This side dish has 672 calories, 25g of protein, and 20g of fat per serving. For $1.56 per serving, this recipe covers 22% of your daily requirements of vitamins and minerals. 23 people found this recipe to be tasty and satisfying. This recipe from Foodista requires parmesan and m zarella cheese, cream sauce, elbow pasta, and ham. With a spoonacular score of 83%, this dish is spectacular. If you like this recipe, take a look at these similar recipes: Cheesy Ham and Shrimp Macaroni Au Gratin, Cheesy Polentan and Ham Gratin, and Cheesy Ham Macaroni.


  • broccoli
    broccoli150 g
  • cream sauce
    cream sauce300 g
  • elbow pasta
    elbow pasta250 g
  • ham
    ham3 slices
  • big shitake mushrooms
    big shitake mushrooms3
  • olive oil
    olive oil2 tablespoons
  • parmesan and m zarella cheese
    parmesan and m zarella cheese1 oz
  • shrimps
    shrimps10 medium
  • water
    water1 cup

Step 1

Cut off base of broccoli stem.

Step 2

Cut broccoli into florets.

Step 3

Remove skin from stem using a peeler and dice it. Wash broccoli thoroughly.Blanch broccoli and butter them.Rinse and dice mushrooms and ham.

Step 4

Add into sauce and mix well.

Step 5

Remove shells from shrimps and devein. Dice and set aside.Preheat oven at 250C. Cook pasta accordingly to instructions.

Step 6

Drain.Grease tin foils. Put pastas into foils and distribute sauce mixture evenly. Stir well.From Step 1 until the above, you can actually prepare ahead of time and refrigerate them with covers if youve guests coming over. Then follow by the rest of the steps below.

Step 7

Mix shrimps and broccoli stems evenly.

Step 8

Place broccoli florets, and top with cheese.

Step 9

Bake the gratin at 250C till golden brown. My oven took about 7 mins to brown. Look at how cheesy it turned out! Crispy on the outside and creamy inside. Enjoy your Cheesy Ham and Shrimp Macaroni Au Gratin!


Dish Types: side dish

Source Information

Source: Foodista

License: CC BY 3.0

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